Latest News
December Newsletter
December Newsletter
Mark Your Calendars! Join us for our December meeting on Thursday, Dec 5th at Noon at Papa Chuy’s. We’ll welcome Principal Kyle Genzer as he recognizes our 1st Semester Students… Read More
November Newsletter
November Newsletter
November Meeting Special Guest District 48 Representative Tammy Townsley Don’t forget to make plans to attend our November meeting Thursday, Nov 7th at Noon at Steer Inn where we will… Read More
October Newsletter
October Newsletter
1st Annual Spooky Town Calling all ghouls and boys for a spooky skele-bration! Mannford has always had a huge turnout for Halloween events. In fact there are so many events… Read More
Join us and find out why we think Mannford is a great place to live, work and play!
Benefits of Membership
The Mannford Area Chamber of Commerce represents many local businesses, aiming to engage local businesses and community members in the City of Mannford. We work together to provide community programs and events as well as valuable resources and tools for local business owners. Join us and find out why we think Mannford is a great place to live, work and play!
We are proud to represent so many local businesses, and invite you to see if joining the Mannford Area Chamber of Commerce would be a good fit for you! We provide many valuable member benefits to continue to invest in the Mannford Community!
One goal of the Mannford Area Chamber of Commerce is provide community events for our citizens, ranging from holiday activities to summer fun at the lake. Check out our event calendar to stay up-to-date on the upcoming Mannford events!
Join us for our monthly chamber meetings held on the first Thursday of the month February thru June, and August thru December. Public meetings start at noon and alternate between the different establishments in town.